A PDF quilt pattern that contains two versions of Canadian Flag Pixelated Heart Quilts. One is a heart shaped flag and the other is a flag in a heart.
This nine page pattern includes instructions for two quilts, two computer generated quilt diagrams, digital diagrams and instructions for making binding and attaching it to the quilt, a photo of quilting ideas and the template for the maple leaf.
This pattern makes two 52" x 52" quilts. The quilts can be made larger by adding more background squares and/or borders. Use up scraps and precuts from your stash to make these quilts a scrappy as you like!
The 52 inch size is great for taking along to watch the fireworks! You are purchasing a digital file which will be available to download upon checkout. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software to open and read the file.
This pattern is part of my new ebook: